Gersten Jonker

128   Chapter 5 Group type had a statistically significant effect on the prediction of getting a high GRS on CBDs, Wald χ 2 (2)=6.69, p=.035, on OSCEs, Wald χ 2 (2)=12.44, p=.002, and on simulations, Wald χ 2 (2)=19.43, p<.001. Compared to group C, the OR of participants in group ACTY getting a high GRS was 2.49 for CBDs, 2.47 for OSCEs, and 2.06 for simulations; statistically significant for OSCEs and simulations (Table 5). The OR of PNITs to get a high GRS, compared to group C, was 6.69 for CBDs, 2.45 for OSCEs, and 6.57 for simulations; all statistically significant. The odds of PNITs getting a high GRS on simulations was 3.22 times that of DTY students, a statistically significant effect (Table 6). For CBDs and skills, the odds did not differ significantly from DTY students (OR 0.37 and OR 1.01, respectively). In summary, both ACTY graduates and PNITs had statistically significant higher odds to get a high GRS than graduates form group C on skills and simulations. PNITs had statistically significant higher odds to get a higher GRS on CBDs, as well. PNITs also had statistically significant higher odds to get a high GRS on simulations than ACTY graduates.