Gersten Jonker

Delivery and adoption of the ACTY   51 3 Participants and sampling At the time of data collection 42 students were participating in or had graduated from the ACTY. We announced the study to students during a teaching session. Next, all students and graduates were approached individually by email providing information about the study. All graduates were asked permission to analyze their previously conducted and transcribed exit-interviews. We aimed to study supervisors (n=41) from all participating specialties and from UMC Utrecht and regional hospitals anticipating heterogeneity in knowledge and involvement. Initial purposeful sampling included supervisors responsible for student rotations and evaluations. Further snowball sampling was used to contact other supervisors. All 20 resident-mentors in our database were approached. All were approached individually by email providing information about the study. Data collection Data collection took place between February and April 2017. Two focus groups and individual interview sessions were organized to explore experiences from current ACTY students. Experiences of graduates were explored in individual face-to-face or telephone semi-structured interviews and by analysis of previously conducted exit- interviews. Supervisors and mentors were interviewed individually in a semi-structured face-to-face or telephone conversation. Two researchers (ROandCV) developed and revised the initial interviewguides based on ACTY documentation, conversations with the coordinators of ACTY, and discussion with the other authors. The interview guides were piloted for clarity and information yield and no subsequent changes were made. The interview guides were organized topically. Table 2 shows the topics and examples of questions. Interviews and focus groups were conducted in the UMC Utrecht by RO and CV, who both had prior experience in conducting interviews for research purposes. Data management and analysis Audio recordings, transcripts, and analyses were stored digitally password protected. Interviews were audiotaped and subsequently analyzed and summarized by two authors (RO and CV). The summary was sent to the participants for member checking. The focus group sessions were audiotaped and conjunctly analyzed by two authors (RO and CV). A directed content analysis approach [21] was applied, using pre-identified codes and codes that emerged during analysis. This approach was chosen as this study focused on perceived strengths and views of future potential in relation to the design