Gersten Jonker

52   Chapter 3 of the ACTY and assuming contextual influences on these perceptions [20, 22]. Content analysis was performed with the qualitative software package NVivo (QSR International, Daresbury, UK), using the topics of Table 2 as initial code tree. TABLE 2: Interview topics with examples of questions for students (St) and supervisors (Su) Topic Sampled question Relatedness to the ACTY St: Do you identify yourself as an ACTY student? Su: To what degree do you feel connected to ACTY? Medical expertise St: Are you able to build competence on junior doctor level in the domain of acute care? Su: What would you say regarding ACTY students’knowledge, skills and attitudes within the domain of acute care? Curriculum St: What were your main reasons to choose ACTY? Su: Can you elaborate on the ACTY philosophy? Assessment St: How are you being evaluated in your rotations? Su: Which sources of information and tools do you use in evaluating your ACTY students? ACTY in the workplace St: Do you feel engaged with the department or department’s work? Su: How do you facilitate ACTY students in reaching their learning objectives? EPAs St: Can you explain the role of the EPAs in your workplace learning? Su: What is your opinion on the ACTY EPAs? (prompt: regarding utility, feasibility, clarity) Organization and logistics St: What are the strengths of ACTY? Su: What would you like to see improved in ACTY? Professional identity and future St: What is occurring with regard to your orientation on the job market and choice for a specialty? Su: How do you view ACTY students, as compared to non-ACTY final year students? RESULTS After written informed consent, first-hand accounts were gathered from 17 students, 17 graduates and 21 faculty (Figure 1). Findings are presented by the four broad themes found (involvement with the ACTY, medical expertise, curriculum, assessment). Involvement with the ACTY Most students knew about the ACTY from students enrolled in the ACTY, while some learned about the ACTY from formal information sources. Reasons to opt for the ACTY included a) the thematic focus on acute care, b) an opportunity to stand out among regular graduates and prepare for residency, and c) the exclusive monthly teaching sessions.