Gersten Jonker

Delivery and adoption of the ACTY   57 3 Assessment The ACTY-specific pre-assessment of knowledge, know-how, skills and performance in acute care was thought to be valuable as it provided insight in their current level and in areas for improvement. The added value of the entry test is to get to see where the focus is put on and in which areas your level is reasonable and in which you need to improve. (St6) The pre-test was a strong motivator to work on their acute care proficiency. Students would like to enhance opportunities to develop this ability, both in clinical and simulated settings. Students and supervisors claimed workplace assessment and evaluation of rotations to be similar for all students. EPAs did not play a central role in these evaluations. Some students chose to use the ACTY-specific short observation forms which link to the EPAs, whereas most used the generic forms. That’s a good point, we don’t use the ACTY-specific ones that much yet. Should we, are we obliged to? I would like some guidance on that. (Su10) Supervisors deemed the ACTY-specific observation forms, when shown to them, to be clear and valuable and the generic ones too nonspecific. We often complete such a standard form for a very specific encounter or aspect and most of the items are not applicable. (Su5) Students suggested strengthening the role of EPAs in the workplace by requiring ACTY- specific observation forms. It would focus feedback on the performance regarding the learning objectives of the ACTY. Supervisors evaluated students using the regular rating forms for elective clinical rotations. In addition to the observation forms, the global impressions supplied by colleagues were taken into account. Supervisors struggled to envision an improved workplace assessment practice within the ACTY. Many indicated the desire to incorporate more informal assessments into the big picture. Some supervisors suggested to use an e-portfolio containing objectives, formal feedback with strengths and points for improvement, as well as informal feedback. This would provide insight into the developmental trajectory of the student.