Gersten Jonker

76   Chapter 4 In addition, most students felt relieved at the end of the scenario, especially if they were uncertain about the management of the case: If it went that badly, then [the end of the scenario] felt like a kind of relief. Like being put out of my misery. (P4) The informal and nonjudgmental atmosphere in the simulation center contributed significantly to the students’ not minding being watched and scored. All students appreciated that staff introduced themselves at the start of the day, so they knew who was observing them: It was really helpful that the staff acted very casual at the start of each simulation and often made a joke. For me that reduced the tension. (P2) Motivation to learn All students found the short personal debriefing sessions after each scenario crucial to their learning. They appreciated the immediate and to-the-point nature of these sessions and that staff highlighted not only mistakes but also correct actions. In addition, students found that being able to vent emotions in a safe and nonjudgmental environment was a valuable experience: You only learn from mistakes if you get the correct answer later or if you can discuss it. Without that debriefing, the simulation would be far less useful. (P4) In most cases, the simulations reinforced the students’ orientation toward acute medicine. None felt that the simulation had demonstrated they were unsuitable to work in acute medical specialties. But their experiences in the simulation did make them more aware of the challenges ahead and motivated them to improve themselves. Without the simulations, I also would have started my final year clerkships. But perhaps I would have been more passive. Now I really want to get the most out of this year. (P2) It [the simulation] reinforced my aspirations. This is what I want to excel in so I’d better put in some effort now because I want to do better than I did today. (P3) In thedays following the simulation, all students reflectedon their experiences positively. The simulation pretest made the students more aware of the goals and requirements of the program, and the students expected that their experience with the simulation would direct their learning in the year ahead.