Gersten Jonker

88   Chapter 4 Examiner checklist Complete and timely execution (2 pts) Incomplete or delayed execution (1 pt) No execution (0 pts) Introduces him or herself to patient Takes a focused history Enquires about past medical history Enquires about medication used Asks for or applies monitoring Recognizes tachypnea Performs auscultation of lungs Performs auscultation of heart Provides oxygen Performs or orders arterial gas analysis Identifies suboptimal saturation Measures capillary refill time Identifies poor peripheral circulation (cold, clammy, constricted) Considers possibility of coronary syndrome Inserts IV cannula Orders ECG Recognizes ischemia on ECG Administers NTG [nitroglycerin] sublingually or by IV Administers morphine in reasonable dose Administers acetylsalicylic acid Completes ABCDE Recognizes cardiac arrest within 5 seconds Administers painful stimulus Asks for help of resuscitation team Opens airway Looks–listens–feels Starts chest compressions Initiates bag-mask ventilation Applies ratio 30:2 Calls supervisor Uses SBARR CRM aspects Giving orders Taking orders Closed-loop communication Graded assertiveness Uses names