Gersten Jonker

Simulation at the frontier of the ZPD   89 4 Impression of overall clinical performance (technical and nontechnical) during this case Fail Borderline Pass How can the participant improve their performance? Abbreviations: NTG indicates nitroglycerin; SBARR, situation, background, assessment, recommendation, response; CRM, crisis resource management. A facilitator (anesthesiologist) assesses students from behind a one-way screen with a scenario-specific checklist, with consultation with the other facilitators. Given the assessment setting, scenarios are not adapted to the actual experience level of the participants. Scenarios have the same difficulty level for all participants. Feedback and debriefing Each participant is debriefed in private immediately after the scenario by the EuSim- certified anesthesiology resident who observed the participant during the scenario. First of all, attention is given to the emotions of the participant. Then feedback is provided according to Pendleton’s rules (what went well, what were areas for improvement). Diagnosis and medical management are discussed succinctly with possible suggestions for further study. The debriefing lasts approximately 5 minutes. Video reflection is not used. After all participants have completed the 3 rounds of scenarios, the facilitator that acted as session lead gives a group debrief. The group debrief lasts approximately 20 minutes and includes discussion of CRM principles.