Gersten Jonker

90   Chapter 4 APPENDIX 2. INTERVIEW GUIDE Opening Discuss: Introduction of interviewer and participant, objective of the interview, analysis of data, anonymity, audiorecording (deleted after analysis), right to end study participation (during or after interview) [Start recording.] Focus on experience Please take a moment to think back about the simulation test. Try to remember how you felt, what aspects made an impression. . . . Take all the time you need. [Pause.] Opening question Could you please describe your experience, your thoughts and feelings at the time, to the best of your ability? Explicating and explorative questions about the simulation experience • Which aspects and/or moments were most prominent and significant? • What feelings were elicited? • What thoughts were you having? • How did you feel physically? • How did you feel psychologically? Clarifying questions (applicable to all stages of interview) • Can you explain that further? What do you mean exactly? • Can you give me an example? Questions regarding time prior to the simulation test • What were your thoughts and feelings regarding the simulation pretest in the preceding days? • What were your thoughts and feelings regarding the simulation pretest the day before? • What contributed most to those thoughts and feelings?