Matt Harmon

139 Chapter seven LOESS regression with a polynomial regression of 1 and a span of 0.75 was used to visualize the relationship between mechanical ventilation variables and 28-day mortality. To study differences between target temperatures over time, continuous variables of interest were analyzed by repeated-measures mixed model. Overall differences between groups were measured using TTM group and time point as a fixed effect, expressed as β -coefficient, confidence interval and P value. Post- hoc analysis of estimates between time points were assessed with the interaction term TTM group and time point using the “LSmeans” package. 16 Normally distributed data was presented a mean ± (standard deviation). Non-parametric data was presented as median (25-75 th percentile). P values < 0.05 were considered significant. Results Of the 950 patients randomized in the TTM-trial in 36 centers, mechanical ventilation data was available for a total 567 patients from 24 centers. The centers that were not able to submit data comprise of both academic and non-academic hospitals. Age, sex and mortality did not differ between the included and non- included patients. Baseline characteristics Baseline characteristics of included patients are shown in table 1. Patients were mostly male and frequently had cardiovascular risk factors. Of note, patients were hypothermic upon start of study. The number of patients with asthma or COPD Gold I-IV did not differ between survivors and non-survivors. Non-survivors had longer time from cardiac arrest to basic life support and higher incidence of circulatory shock compared to the survivor group. 17 Mechanical ventilation settings during TTM Mechanical ventilation settings for patients are shown in table 2 and cumulative frequency distributions in figure 1. The median V T was 7.7 ml/kg (6.4-8.7) predicted body weight (PBW) and in total, 60% of patients were ventilated with a V T equal to or below 8 ml/kg (figure 1). Median PEEP was 6 cmH 2 O (5-8) and mean driving pressure 14.7 cmH 2 O (± 4.2). More than half of patients were ventilated with > 5 mmHg of PEEP. Plateau pressure was above 30 cm H 2 0 in 8% of patients and above 20 cm H 2 O in 60% of patients. Compliance of the respiratory system, was below 50 mL/cmH 2 O in the majority of patients (83%).