Matt Harmon

173 Chapter eight Supplemental material Supplemental Table 1. Number of patients excluded and PaCO 2 at each measuring point. Time T -1 T 0 T 4 T 12 T 20 T 28 T 32 T 36 N Valid 59 50 38 26 18 7 3 2 N Missing 11 20 32 44 52 63 67 68 PaCO 2 mean (kPa) 8.07 6.38 6.12 5.37 5.96 6.21 5.44 5.65 PaCO 2 median (kPa) 7.10 6.13 5.62 5.04 5.35 5.80 5.70 5.65 Standard deviation 3.69 1.79 1.87 1.51 2.19 2.61 1.10 0.49 Minimum (kPa) 3.30 3.50 3.40 3.06 3.00 4.18 4.23 5.30 Maximum (kPa) 20. 00 12.90 11.20 10.00 11.40 11.90 6.38 6.00 Percentile 25 (kPa) 5.80 5.37 4.60 4.20 4.40 4.60 4.23 5.30 Percentile 50 (kPa) 7.10 6.14 5.62 5.04 5.35 5.80 5.70 5.65 Percentile 75 (kPa) 9.40 7.23 7.40 6.21 6.95 6.10 N = Number. T = measuring point in hours before/after randomization. PaCO 2 = partial arterial carbon dioxide pressure. kPa = kilopascal Supplemental Table 2. 6-month neurological outcome in PaCO 2 extreme value exposure groups dichotomized to good and poor. n=869 PaCO 2 Group Total n (%) Good outcome n (%) Poor outcome n (%) Hypercapnia (> 6.0 kPa) 685 (79) 349 (51) 336 (49) Hypocapnia (< 4.5 kPa) 516 (59) 260 (50) 256 (50) Normocapnia (4.5 – 6.0 kPa) 39 (4) 23 (59) 16 (41) Hyper- and hypocapnia 371 (43) 192 (52) 179 (48) N = number. PaCO 2  = partial arterial carbon dioxide pressure. kPa = kilopascal. CPC = Cerebral performance category. Good outcome = CPC 1 and 2, poor outcome = CPC 3-5. CPC 1 good cerebral performance, CPC 2 moderate cerebral disability, independent in activities of daily life, CPC 3 severe cerebral disability, dependent on others for daily support, 4 vegetative state and CPC 5 dead.