Matt Harmon

184 Chapter nine Figure 2 . Pathogens in blood cultures in bacteremia cases in the first 14 days of ICU-admission. Table 2. Infections in patients admitted to centers with and without the use of antibiotic prophylaxis Infections, n (%) No antibiotic prophylaxis N=351 Antibiotic Prophylaxis N=345 P-value Pneumonia 190 (54) 141 (41) 0.001 Suspected pneumonia 94 (27) 79 (23) 0.245 Confirmed pneumonia 96 (27) 62 (18) 0.002 Gram-positive in culture 55 (16) 34 (10) 0.018 Gram-negative in culture 68 (19) 48 (14) 0.066 Bacteremia 24 (7) 4 (1) 0.0001 Gram-positive in culture 15 (4) 3 (1) 0.011 Gram-negative in culture 12 (3) 2 (1) 0.013 Bacteriological distribution between different target temperatures Baseline characteristics between the TTM groups can be seen in supplemental table 3. Figure 3 shows the bacteriological profile of sputum and blood cultures according to different target temperatures. The frequency of pneumonia patients with gram-positive, gram-negative or polymicrobial flora culture was not significantly different between TTM33 and TTM36 (figure 3A, supplemental table 4). In addition, we did not find a significant difference between TTM33 and TTM36 in patients with a gram-positive or gram-negative bacteremia (p=0.53) (figure 3B, supplemental table 4).