Matt Harmon

39 Chapter two Supplemental material Questionnaire spontaneous hypothermia during sepsis Thank you very much for taking the time to fill out this survey regarding the definition and treatment of spontaneous hypothermia during sepsis. The questionnaire has a maximum of 25 questions and should take approximately 5-10 minutes to fill out. Please respond from the perspective of the usual or average practice in your ICU. Pay attention: this survey concerns spontaneous hypothermia that occurs during sepsis and not medically induced hypothermia or iatrogenic hypothermia (during an operation for example). Characteristics 1. In which country do you currently work? 2. What is your intensive care certification level? ¨ Intensivist ¨ Specialist non-intensivist practicing ICU ¨ Resident ¨ Nurse ¨ Other 3. Years of ICU experience ¨ 0-5 ¨ 6-10 ¨ 11-15 ¨ 16-20 ¨ 20+ 4. What is your main specialty area? ¨ Intensive Care ¨ Anesthesiology ¨ Internal Medicine ¨ Pulmonology ¨ Cardiology ¨ Neurology ¨ Other