Matt Harmon

40 Chapter two 5. Hospital type ¨ Academic ¨ Non-academic 6. How many ICU beds are there in your ICU? ¨ <10 ¨ 10-15 ¨ 16-20 ¨ >20 Protocol 7. Is there a written protocol for managing spontaneous hypothermia specifically in septic patients on your ICU? ¨ Yes ¨ No Spontaneous hypothermia definition 8. Below which temperature do you consider a patient with sepsis to be hypothermic? < [_ | _], _ °C (range 34,0 – 37,5) Spontaneous hypothermia management 9. Do you actively rewarm patients with hypothermia during sepsis? (all measures excluding the use of normal blankets) ¨ Yes ¨ No Hypothermia management 10. Below which temperature do you consider actively rewarming patients with spontaneous hypothermia during sepsis? < [_ | _], _ °C (range 34,0 – 37,5) 11. Is the decision to actively rewarm patients with spontaneous hypothermia during sepsis primarily physician driven or nurse driven? ¨ Physician driven ¨ Nurse driven