Matt Harmon

64 Chapter three Supplemental material Supplemental Figure 1 . Selection of study patients. Supplemental Table 1. Causative pathogens Hypothermia No hypothermia P N = 186 N = 339 Gram-positive bacteria (%) 90 (48.4) 162 (47.8) .82 Gram-negative bacteria (%) 123 (66.1) 220 (64.9) .73 Yeast/fungi (%) 13 (7) 37 (10.9) .18 Other (%) 26 (14) 34 (10) .19 Unknown (%) 25 (13.4) 60 (17.7) .28 Percentages represent the pathogens divided by the number of patients. In some cases multiple causative pathogens were isolated. Supplemental Table 2. Multivariable logistic regression analysis to identify risk factors for hypothermia OR 95% C P Age 1.01 0.999-1.03 .07 Body mass index 0.96 0.93-0.99 .009 Hypertension 1.98 1.30-3.02 .001 Chronic cardiovascular insufficiency 3.27 1.25-8.50 .02