Matt Harmon

67 Chapter three Supplemental Table 6. Clinical characteristics of sepsis patients with and without hypothermia of admission matched for APACHE IV score. Hypothermia No hypothermia p N = 186 N = 186 Demographics Age, years, mean [SD] 65.0 [13.8] 62.1 [15.9] .06 Gender, male (%) 114 (61.3) 114 (61.3) >.99 BMI, kg/m2, mean [SD] 25.6 [5.7] 27.1 [6.5] .02 Charlson score, median [IQR] 5 [3-6] 4 [2-6] .20 Site of infection Pulmonary (%) 79 (42.5) 81 (43.5) .91 Abdominal (%) 29 (15.6) 36 (19.4) .40 Urinary tract (%) 32 (17.2) 21 (11.3) .13 Other (%) 18 (9.7) 26 (14) .27 Co-infection (%) 28 (15.1) 22 (11.8) .43 Severity of disease first 24h Mean temperature first 6 h, median [IQR] 36.1 [35.4-37] 37.1 [36.5-37.9] <.0001 Mean temperature first 24 h, median [IQR] 36.3 [35.8-36.9] 37.3 [36.7-37.8] <.0001 APACHE IV score, median [IQR] a 82 [67-103] 82 [67-100] .54 SOFA score, median [IQR] b 8 [5-10] 7 [4-9] .008 Acute kidney injury (%) 92 (49.5) 72 (38.7) .06 Acute lung injury (%) 49 (26.3) 51 (27.4) .90 Shock (%) 74 (39.8) 62 (33.3) .24 Clinical laboratory parameters first 24h WBC count max.( x10^9/l), median [IQR] 16.1 [10.9-25.5] 14.9 [10-19.4] .07 WBC count min.( x10^9/l), median [IQR] 12.6 [7.1-19.1] 12.7 [8-16.5] .47 Platelets min. (x10^9/l), median [IQR] 189 [120-264] 200 [130-275] .54 Lactate max. (mmol/l), median [IQR] 3.2 [1.6-6.5] 2.7 [1.6-5.1] .16 Prothrombin time max. (s), median [IQR] 16.5 [14.1-20.7] 15.6 [13.2-19.2] .03 Creatinine max. (μmol/l), median [IQR] 121 [80-209] 103 [73-174] .03 C-reactive protein (mg/l), median [IQR] 146 [82-258] 154 [93-248] .81 Outcome ICU-mortality (%) 48 (25.8) 26 (14) .008 Hospital mortality (%) 69 (37.1) 47 (25.3) .01 30 day mortality (%) 66 (35.5) 41 (22) .003 Table continues on next page