Matt Harmon

Chapter four 81 Table 1. Continued. Hypothermia N=67 Normothermia N= 75 Fever N=101 Both N=18 P-value Acute lung injury (%) 21 (31) 26 (35) 30 (30) 49 (22) 0.751 Shock (%) 32 (48) 26 (35) 25 (25) 7 (39) 0.023 Clinical laboratory parameters first 24h WBC count max. ( x10^9/l), median [IQR] 17.4 [10.6-27.8] 15.5 [9.5-21.4] 14.0 [9.9-17.9] 15.0 [10.8-23.5] 0.33 Platelets min. (x10^9/l), median [IQR] 186 [114-254] 207 [129-297] 208 [131-305] 217 [146-248] 0.458 Lactate max. (mmol/l), median [IQR] 3.2 [2.1-9.1] 2.9 [1.7-5.2] 2.5 [1.6-3.7] 4.7 [1.95-6.38] 0.036 Prothrombin time max. (s), median [IQR] 16.3 [14.0-22-2] 14.8 [12.5-19.6] 14.1 [12.1-16.8] 15.8 [13.5-19.3] 0.004 Creatinine max. (μmol/l), median [IQR] 114 [76-200] 90 [65-162.5] 99 [71.5-161.5] 133 [82.3-234.5] 0.114 Outcome ICU-mortality (%) 21 (31) 13 (17) 9 (9) 4 (22) 0.003 30-day mortality (%) 29 (43) 20 (27) 16 (16) 4 (22) 0.001 90-day mortality (%) 35 (52) 28 (37) 22 (22) 7 (39) 0.002 APACHE, acute physiology and chronic health evaluation; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; IQR, interquartile range; SD, standard deviation; SOFA, sequential organ failure assessment; WBC, white blood cell. a Temperature not included in score b Central nervous system not included in score due to large number of sedated patients