Matt Harmon

Chapter four 93 Supplemental material Supplemental Table 1. Baseline characteristics in matched analysis for APACHE IV and SOFA score Hypothermic N=55 Fever N=55 P-value Demographics Age, years, mean [SD] 67.3 [11.6] 61.8 [16.3] 0.044 Gender, male (%) 30 (55) 35 (64) 0.455 BMI, kg/m2, mean [SD] 25.1 [5.6] 27.3 [8.1] 0.11 Comorbidities Charlson score, median [IQR] 4 [3-6] 4 [2-6] 0.208 Chronic cardiovascular insufficiency (%) 4 (7) 0 (0) 0.139 Chronic renal insufficiency (%) 7 (13) 5 (9) 0.783 Congestive heart failure (%) 2 (4) 1 (2) 1 COPD (%) 6 (11) 10 (18) 0.42 Diabetes mellitus (%) 13 (24) 9 (16) 0.44 Site of infection Pulmonary (%) 23 (42) 27 (49) 0.431 Abdominal (%) 10 (18) 11 (20) - Urinary tract (%) 9 (16) 3 (5) - Other (%) 2 (4) 4 (7) - Co-infection (%) 11 (29) 10 (18) - Severity of disease first 24h Min temp first 24 h, mean [SD] 35.0 [0.9] 37.2 [0.6] <0.0001 Max temp first 24 h, mean [SD] 37.1 [0.9] 39.2 [0.8] <0.0001 APACHE IV score, median [IQR] a 81 [67.5-92.5] 77 [64.5-90.5] 0.76 SOFA score, median [IQR] b 8 [6-10] 7 [5-9] 0.258 Acute kidney injury (%) 28 (51) 21 (38) 0.259 Renal replacement therapy (%) 9 (16) 7 (13) 0.798 Acute lung injury (%) 15 (27) 18 (32) 0.682 Shock (%) 22 (40) 21 (38) 1 Clinical laboratory parameters first 24h WBC count max. ( x10^9/l), median [IQR] 16.2 [10.4-27.8] 14.2 [9.7-17.7] 0.187 Platelets min. (x10^9/l), median [IQR] 188 [108-254] 200 [121-293] 0.365 Lactate max. (mmol/l), median [IQR] 2.9 [1.8-8.2] 2.8 [2-5.2] 0.4 Prothrombin time max. (s), median [IQR] 16.5 [15.0-22.5] 14.6 [12.1-17.8] 0.004 Creatinine max. (μmol/l), median [IQR] 112 [76-176] 129 [77-174] 0.805 Table continues on next page