Ires Ghielen

148 Chapter 8 Table 1. Descriptive statistics of the participants per condition. Demographic and clinical characteristics are included. TAU (n = 19) BEWARE (n = 19) Difference mean standard deviation range mean standard deviation range p-value % female 45 35 0.35 age (yr) 66,6 8,4 48-80 59,6 9,7 34-74 0.19 LEDD score 1340 534 660-2547 1165 405 420-1946 0.42 Use of psychotropic medication (number of patients) 6 6 disease duration (yrs) @,# 12,3 4,3 5-20 10,5 5,7 1-24 0.25 Hoehn & Yahr stage in ON @ 2-3 2-3 0.29 side of onset (% left) @,# 56 57 0.96 anxiety (BAI total score) 39,1 9,2 23-57 40,5 13,7 21-65 0.70 cognition (MMSE total score) 27,5 1,9 24-30 28,1 1,6 24-30 0.33 wearing-off symptoms (amount) 1-16 1-18 0.96 TAU = Treatment As Usual; BAI = Beck Anxiety Inventory; BEWARE = body awareness intervention; LEDD = Levodopa Equivalent Daily Dose; MMSE = Mini Mental State Examination @ retrospectively assessed # assessed in a subsample of participants (n = 30)