Ires Ghielen

151 BEWARE: Results of the pilot RCT Table 3. Treatment effects (overall, at posttreatment and at follow-up) using mixed model analyses. (continued) Outcome measur e Overall treatment effects Posttreatment effects Follow-up effects β 95% CI Significance level β 95% CI Significance level β 95% CI Significance level 10MWT steps [#] -0,57 -2,20 – 1,06 p=0,480 -0,70 -2,39 – 0,99 p=0,407 -0,88 -4,38 – 2,63 p=0,604 OLST left [s] 7,65 -2,84 – 18,14 p=0,147 9,08 -2,29 – 20,46 p=0,114 11,10 -8,03 – 30,22 p=0,239 OLST right [s] 12,06 0,83 – 23,30 p=0,036* 16,10 3,71 – 28,50 p= 0,012* 18,32 0,24 – 36,40 p=0,047* FOGQ [0-24] -0,01 -2,03 – 2,01 p=0,993 0,03 -2,13 – 2,18 p=0,980 -1,26 -4,25 – 1,73 p=0,387 TAU = Treatment As Usual; BEWARE = body awareness intervention; GSES = General Self Efficacy Scale; BAI = Beck Anxiety Inventory; BDI = Beck Depression Inventory; PDQ = Parkinson’s Disease Questionnaire; ADL = Activities of Daily Living; NEAI = Nottingham Extended Activities of daily living Inventory; 10MWT = 10 Meter Walk Test; OLST = One Leg Stance Test; FOGQ = Freezing of Gait Questionnaire; β = regression coefficient, 95% CI = 95% confidence intervals; * = p<0.05; ** = p<0.001. 8