Ires Ghielen

152 Chapter 8 Figure 2. Graphical representation of interesting outcome measures. Abbreviations: GSES = General Self Efficacy Scale, PDQ-39 = Parkinson’s Disease Questionnaire – 39 items, BEWARE = body awareness intervention, CONTROL = treatment as usual, * = significant overall treatment effect. Qualitative analysis The patient researchers systematically documented the patients’ evaluations and revealed that the majority (84%) of patients that participated in the BEWARE treatment group experienced the new treatment as positive. Eight (21%) participants found it burdensome to visit the outpatient clinic twice every week. For future adaptation of the intervention, the patients suggested to lower the frequency (e.g. once instead of twice per week) but increase the duration (e.g. one and half hour instead of one hour) of the therapy sessions. In addition, all patients suggested to more actively involve partners/caregivers and to develop a tool to keep managing WRA and applying the principles learned during the sessions in the home- environment during and after treatment completion (e.g. with self-help material). Figure 2 . Graphical representa � on of interes � ng outcome measures. GSES = General Self Effic acy Scale, PDQ-39 = Parkinson’s Disease Ques � onnaire – 39 items, BEWARE = body awareness interven � on, CONTROL = treatment as usual, * = signi fica nt overall treatment e ff ect. *