Ires Ghielen

194 Appendix S.W.N. (Suzan) Vogel (2017). ADHD IN ADULTS: seasons, stress, sleep and societal impact. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. ISBN: 978-94-6299-673-1. R.(Roxanne) Schaakxs (2018). Major depressive disorder across the life span: the role of chronological and biological age. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. ISBN: 978-94-6299- 819-3. J.J. (Bart) Hattink (2018). Needs-based enabling- and care technology for people with dementia and their carers. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. ISBN: 978-94-6295-880-7. F.T. (Flora) Gossink (2018). Late Onset Behavioral Changes differentiating between bvFTD and psychiatric disorders in clinical practice. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. ISBN: 978- 94-6295-899-9. R. (Roxanne) Gaspersz (2018). Heterogeneity of Major Depressive Disorder. The role of anxious distress. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. ISBN: 978-94-028-1076-9. M.M. (Marleen) Wildschut (2018). Survivors of early childhood trauma and emotional neglect: who are they and what’s their diagnosis? Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. ISBN: 978-94- 6332-401-4. J.A.C. (Jolanda) Meeuwissen (2018). The case for stepped care. Exploring the applicability and cost-utility of stepped-care strategies in the management of depression. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. ISBN: 978-90-5383-359-9.      D.S. (Dora) Wynchank (2018). The rhythm of adult ADHD. On the relationship between ADHD, sleep and aging. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. ISBN: 978-94-6375-034-9. M.J.(Margot) Metz (2018). Shared Decision Making in mental health care: the added value for patients and clinicians. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. ISBN: 978-94-6332-403-8. I.(Ilse) Wielaard (2018). Childhood abuse and late life depression. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. ISBN: 978-94-6380-072-3. L.S.(Laura) van Velzen (2019). The stressed and depressed brain. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. ISBN: 978-94-6380-062-4. S. (Sonja) Rutten (2019). Shedding light on depressive, anxiety and sleep disorders in Parkinson’s disease. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. ISBN: 978-94-6380-176-8. N.P.G. (Nadine) Paans (2019). When you carry the weight of the world not only on your shoulders. Factors associating depression and obesity. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. ISBN: 978-94-6380-141-6. D.J. (Deborah) Gibson-Smith (2019). The Weight of Depression. Epidemiological studies into obesity, dietary intake and mental health. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. ISBN: 978- 94-6380-144-7. C.S.E.W. (Claudia) Schuurhuizen ( 2019). Optimizing psychosocial support and symptom management for patients with advanced cancer. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. ISBN: 978-94-6323-468-9. M.X. (Mandy) Hu (2019). Cardiac autonomic activity in depression and anxiety: heartfelt afflictions of the mind. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. ISBN: 978-94-6380-206-2.