Ires Ghielen

29 BAI factor analysis in PD patients Table 3: Results of multiple linear regression analysis of the BAI total score and score on subscales of the BAI with the BDI, SCOPA-AUT and UPDRS-III. Regression coefficients (B) with 95% confidence intervals (95%-CI of B), standardized regression coefficients (β) and significance (indicated with *) are displayed for the final model. Independent variable → Dependent variable ↓ BAI total score Subscale Affective Subscale Thermoregulation B 95%-CI of B β B 95%-CI of B β B 95%-CI of B β (Constant) -1.053 -6.086 – 3.979 1.968 -.648 - 4.584 1.074 -.360 – 2.508 BDI 0.688 0.582 – 0.794 0.560*** 0.373 0.318 – 0.428 0.678*** 0.050 0.020 – 0.080 0.193** SCOPA-AUT 0.397 0.294 – 0.501 0.352*** 0.046 -.008 – 0.100 0.092 0.098 0.069 – 0.128 0.416*** UPDRS-III 0.026 -.037 – 0.089 0.033 -.010 -.043 – 0.022 -.029 -.005 -.023 – 0.013 -.031 Gender -2.198 -3.666 – -.730 -.110** -.682 -1.445 – 0.081 -.076 -.488 -.906 – -.070 -.116* Age -.082 -.156 – -.007 -.086* -.028 -.067 – .010 -.067 -.050 -.072 – -.029 -.253 Use of dopaminergic medication -1.457 -2.959 – .045 -.074 -.890 -1.671 – -.110 -.101* 0.159 -.268 – 0.587 0.039 R 2 0.629 0.499 0.311 * p-value <0.05, ** p-value < 0.01, *** p-value < 0.001 R 2 = proportion variance of independent variable explained by the regression model 2