Ires Ghielen

30 Chapter 2 Table 3 (continued) Independent variable → Dependent variable ↓ Subscale Trembling Subscale Hyperventilation Subscale Hypotension B 95%-CI of B β B 95%-CI of B β B 95%-CI of B β (Constant) -.828 -2.144 – 0.487 -1.004 -1.680 – -.329 -1.890 -3.373 – -.406 BDI 0.056 0.029 – 0.084 0.256*** 0.022 0.008 – 0.036 0.191** 0.105 0.074 – 0.136 0.335*** SCOPA-AUT 0.024 -.003 – 0.051 0.117 0.040 0.026 – 0.054 0.374*** 0127 0.096 – 0.157 0.441*** UPDRS-III 0.027 0.011 – 0.044 0.189*** -.001 -.010 – 0.007 -.016 0.019 0.001 – 0.038 0.094* Gender -.163 -.547 – 0.221 -.045 0.076 -.121 – 0.273 0.040 -.476 -.908 – -.043 -.093* Age 0.019 0.000 – 0.039 0.112 -.004 -.014 – 0.006 -.042 -.009 -.031 – 0.013 -.037 Use of dopaminergic medication -.547 -.939 – -.154 -.156* 0.076 -.125 – 0.278 0.041 -.157 -.599 – 0.286 -.031 R 2 0.208 0.255 0.502 * p-value <0.05, ** p-value < 0.01, *** p-value < 0.001 R 2 = proportion variance of independent variable explained by the regression model