Ires Ghielen

38 Chapter 2 Table S1: Results of multiple linear regression analysis association BAI total score and score on subscales of the BAI with BDI, SCOPA-AUT and UPDRS-III. All associations are adjusted for covariates in three consecutive models. Regression coefficients (B) and 95% confidence intervals (95%-CI) and significance (p-values, indicated with *) are displayed, as well as information on confounding covariates (Ad 1 – 11). Crude model Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 B 95%-CI B 95%-BI B 95%-CI B 95%-CI BAI total score BDI 1 0.904*** 0.807 - 1.001 0.895*** 0.797 - 0.992 0.895*** 0.794 - 0.997 0.688*** 0.582 - 0.794 SCOPA-AUT 2 0.695*** 0.592 - 0.799 0.723*** 0.617 - 0.829 0.730*** 0.618 - 0.843 0.397*** 0.294 - 0.501 UPDRS-III 0.187*** 0.096 - 0.277 0.193*** 0.099 - 0.288 0.173*** 0.079 - 0.268 0.026 -.037 - 0.089 Subscale Affective BDI 0.381*** 0.335 - 0.428 0.381*** 0.335 - 0.428 0.394*** 0.346 - 0.442 0.373*** 0.318 - 0.428 SCOPA-AUT 0.199*** 0.145 - 0.254 0.212*** 0.156 - 0.268 0.219*** 0.159 - 0.278 0.046 -.008 - 0.100 UPDRS-III 0.042* 0.001 - 0.083 0.047* 0.004 - 0.090 0.042 -.001 - 0.086 -.010 -.043 - 0.022 Subscale Thermoregulation BDI 3 0.102*** 0.075 - 0.130 0.105*** 0.078 - 0.133 0.098*** 0.069 - 0.126 0.050** 0.020 - 0.080 SCOPA-AUT 4 0.107*** 0.082 - 0.132 0.124*** 0.100 - 0.149 0.120*** 0.094 - 0.146 0.098*** 0.069 - 0.128 UPDRS-III 0.0128 -.007 - 0.032 0.022* 0.002 - 0.042 0.017 -.003 - 0.037 -.005 -.023 - 0.013 Subscale Trembling BDI 5 0.075*** 0.050 - 0.099 0.069*** 0.045 - 0.093 0.076*** 0.051 - 0.100 0.056*** 0.029 - 0.084 SCOPA-AUT 0.060*** 0.038 - 0.083 0.051*** 0.028 - 0.074 0.059*** 0.035 - 0.084 0.024 -.003 - 0.051 UPDRS-III 6 0.042*** 0.026 - 0.058 0.036*** 0.020 - 0.053 0.038*** 0.021 - 0.055 0.027*** 0.011 - 0.044 Subscale Hyperventilation