Ires Ghielen

39 BAI factor analysis in PD patients Table S1: Continued. Crude model Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 B 95%-CI B 95%-BI B 95%-CI B 95%-CI BDI 7 0.045*** 0.033 - 0.058 0.045*** 0.033 - 0.058 0.042*** 0.029 - 0.055 0.022** 0.008 - 0.036 SCOPA-AUT 8 0.050*** 0.039 - 0.061 0.052*** 0.041 - 0.064 0.050*** 0.038 - 0.062 0.040*** 0.026 - 0.054 UPDRS-III 0.011* 0.002 - 0.020 0.010* 0.001 - 0.019 0.008 -.001 - 0.017 -.001 -.010 - 0.007 Subscale Hypotension BDI 9 0.184*** 0.155 - 0.214 0.179*** 0.150 - 0.209 0.174*** 0.143 - 0.205 0.105*** 0.074 - 0.136 SCOPA-AUT 10 0.182*** 0.156 - 0.208 0.183*** 0.157 - 0.210 0.183*** 0.154 - 0.211 0127*** 0.096 - 0.157 UPDRS-III 11 0.060*** 0.037 - 0.083 0.058*** 0.034 - 0.081 0.052*** 0.029 - 0.076 0.019* 0.001 - 0.038 * p-value <0.05, ** p-value < 0.01, *** p-value < 0.001 Model 1: adjustment for age and gender Model 2: adjustment for age, gender, and use of dopaminergic medication Model 3: adjustment for age, gender, use of dopaminergic medication, and score on the BDI and/or SCOPA and/or UPDRS-III score Ad 1: confounding by the SCOPA-AUT score. Ad 2: confounding by the UPDRS-III score. Ad 3: confounding by the SCOPA-AUT score. Ad 4: confounding by BDI score and age. Ad 5: confounding by SCOPA-AUT score. Ad 6: confounding by the SCOPA-AUT and BDI score and age. Ad 7: confounding by the SCOPA-AUT score. Ad 8: confounding by the BDI score. Ad 9: confounding by the SCOPA-AUT score. Ad 10: confounding by the BDI score. Ad 11: confounding by the SCOPA-AUT en BDI score. 2