Ires Ghielen

Table 3. Results of multiple linear regression analyses of the BAI total score and score on subscales of the BAI with the BDI, SCOPA-AUT and UPDRS-III. Regression coefficients (B) with 95% confidence intervals (95%-CI of B), standardized regression coefficients (b) and significance (indicated with*) are displayed for the final model. DEPENDENT VARIABLE → INDEPENDENT VARIABLE ↓ Total BAI score Affective Thermoregulation Cardiopulmonary Unsteadiness B 95% CI of B β B 95% CI of B β B 95% CI of B β B 95% CI of B β B 95% CI of B β (constant) 11.915 -10.559 to 34.389 4.854 -4.602 to 14.310 3.154 -2.525 to 8.834 3.621 -.955 to 8.197 2.992 -5.719 to 11.704 BDI 0.691 0.503 to 0.880 0,569 * 0.246 0.167 to 0.326 0.503 * 0.008 -.039 to 0.054 0.035 -.009 -.048 to 0.029 -.046 0.004 -.069 to 0.077 0.011 MoCA -.339 -.786 to 0.108 -.141 -.177 -.365 to -.011 -.182 -.001 -.114 to 0.112 -.002 -.045 -.136 to 0.046 -.117 0.069 -.105 to 0.242 0.095 UPDRS-III -.003 -.130 to 0.123 -.004 -.027 -.080 to 0.026 -.087 0.009 -.023 to 0.041 0.058 -.015 -.041 to 0.010 -.124 0.005 -.045 to 0.054 0.019 Gender 2.729 -.856 to 6.313 0.117 0.993 -.515 to 2.501 0.106 0.049 -.857 to 0.955 0.011 0.122 -.607 to 0.852 0.033 -.507 -1.896 to 0.882 -.072 Age 0.032 -.179 to 0.243 0.028 0.020 -.069 to 0.108 0.042 -.008 -.062 to 0.045 -.037 -.024 -0.067 to 0.019 -.131 0.023 -.058 to 0.105 0.067 PD MEDICATION -2.074 -9.182 to 5.034 -.045 -.493 -3.483 to 2.498 -.027 -.855 -2.651 to 0.941 -.095 1.170 -.277 to 2.618 0.158 0.018 -2.737 to 2.773 0.001 R² 0.402 0.349 0.013 0.047 0.012 * = p<0.001