Ires Ghielen

57 Replication factor analysis in neuropsychiatric PD patients Table S2: Results of multiple linear regression analysis association BAI total score and score on subscales of the BAI with BDI, MoCA and UPDRS- III. All associations are adjusted for covariates in three consecutive models. Regression coefficients (B) and 95% confidence intervals (95%-CI) and significance (p-values, indicated with *) are displayed, as well as information on confounding covariates (Ad 1). B Crude model Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 95%-CI B 95%-CI B 95%-CI B 95%-CI BAI total score BDI 0.727*** 0.541 – 0.913 0.709*** 0.524 – 0.895 0.714*** 0.528 – 0.900 0.691*** 0.503 – 0.880 MoCA 1 -.597** -1.044 – -.150 -.580* -1.101 – -.060 -.580* -1.106 – -.053 -.339 -.786 – 0.108 UPDRS-III 0.012 -.136 – 0.159 -.009 -.162 – 0.144 -.008 -.162 – 0.146 -.003 -.130 – 0.123 Subscale Affective BDI 0.266*** 0.187 – 0.344 0.259*** 0.180 – 0.337 0.260*** 0.181 – 0.339 0.246*** 0.167 – 0.326 MoCA 1 -.252** -.432 – -.072 -.244* -.453 – -.034 -.244* -.456 – -.032 -.177 -.365 – 0.011 UPDRS-III 1 -.014 -.073 – 0.046 -.026 -.087 – 0.036 -.025 -.087 – 0.037 -.027 -.080 – 0.026 Subscale Thermoregulation BDI 0.007 -.039 – 0.052 0.007 -.040 – 0.053 0.008 -.039 – 0.054 0.008 -.039 – 0.056 MoCA -.005 -.096 – 0.086 -.015 -.123 – 0.092 -.010 -.118 – 0.098 -.001 -.114 – 0.112 UPDRS-III 0.005 -.024 – 0.034 0.007 -.023 – 0.038 0.009 -.022 – 0.039 0.009 -.023 – 0.041 Subscale Cardiopulmonary BDI -.003 -.040 – 0.035 -.003 -.041 – 0.035 -.005 -.043 – 0.033 -.009 -.048 – 0.029 MoCA 0.000 -.074 – 0.074 -.024 -.111 – 0.064 -.031 -.118 – 0.057 -.045 -.136 – 0.046 UPDRS-III -.014 -.037 – 0.010 -.011 -.036 – 0.014 -.012 -.037 – 0.013 -.015 -.041 – 0.010 Subscale Unsteadiness BDI -.003 -.073 – 0.067 0.000 -.071 – 0.071 -.001 -.072 – 0.071 0.004 -.069 – 0.077 3