Ires Ghielen

86 Chapter 5 Table 1. Patients characteristics at baseline (N=153). Median (IQR) Demographics Gender a 88 male/65 female Age (years) 68 (11) Body Mass Index 24.21(4.16) Disease characteristics Disease duration (years) 8 (8) Hoehn & Yahr during on 3 (1) Hoehn & Yahr II/III/IV during on a 71/64/18 Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale total score, during ‘on’ state 54 (17) UPDRS I during on 3 (2) UPDRS II during on 16 (8) UPDRS III during on 32 (14) Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale - depression subscale 7 (5) Brixton Test Raw score 21 (12) Brixton Test Scaled score 4 (4) Mini Mental State Examination 29 (3) Multidimensional Fatigue Index 64 (25) Static activity (% time) 90 (12) Dynamic activity (% time) 10 (11) Speed of 10-meter walking test (m/s) 0.85(0.29) Single leg stance test left (sec) 7.64(17.3) Single leg stance test right (sec) 8.68 (17.88) Medication Levodopa (mg) 400 (350) Dopamine agonist a 105 Selegeline a 22 Entacapone a 37 Medication other a 46 Adverse effects UPDRS IV (ON) 2 (4) Abbreviations: IQR = Interquartile range, UPDRS = Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale, a Expressed as number of patients.