Sonja Graafstal en Carine Heijligers

639 ENGLISH SUMMARY their early 20s and were learning to apply the principles of the method in a treatment program with a client. The goal in both programs was to develop reciprocal contact with Floyd. The movement analysis revealed a significant distinction between Floyd and the therapists in both cases. In contact with Anouska, spontaneous moments of togetherness and alternating turns occurred while discovering shared experiences and interests. In contact with Raisa, both were engaged at different levels of abstraction in the activity, resulting in a lack of togetherness. Turn-taking occurred after a direct question was asked to the other person, followed by an answer. To develop reciprocity, the focus was placed on eliciting following behaviour from Floyd. Therapists were asked to initially align with Floyd’s movements and follow him. The next step was to differentiate themselves from him while maintaining this shared experience, with the aim of eliciting following behaviour. The selected variables to investigate this were movement intensity, measured using MEA time series, and conversational dominance, measured using Linell. Based on CRQA analysis, we found an increase in Floyd’s following behaviour in relation to Anouska’s intensity of movement. For Anouska, she followed Floyd’s movement intensity less so in accordance with the intervention plan. We also determined, based on Linell parameters, that equality and reciprocity in terms of conversational dominance were established between Floyd and Anouska. In the case of Raisa, CRQA analysis revealed no increase in Floyd’s following behaviour for movement intensity, but rather a decrease. It was determined that Raisa did not carry out the intervention according to plan, and their mutual following behaviour at the end of the intervention was lower than at the beginning. Based on the Linell parameters, we concluded that conversational dominance became less balanced from the third moment onwards and shifted entirely to Raisa. The established positive development in the contact with Anouska was still in its early stages, which is why it was decided to continue the counselling process with a new therapist, namely Raisa. However, the contact with Raisa resulted in a decrease in compliance and an increase of aggressive behaviour on Floyd’s part, which led to the premature termination of the counselling. Given the time and circumstances, Raisa did not have sufficient time to apply the method as planned in contact with Floyd due to his growing aggression. However, she did show this in another process with another person. This makes it clear that adjusting your own movements is a precarious process. Some people will pick it up faster than others, depending on the context and the available to practice with the advice. The Starflower The Starflower is a non-residential treatment program for young people between the ages of seven and eighteen with mild intellectual disabilities. The goal of admission to The Starflower is to increase social skills in young people’s interactions with others and strengthen reciprocal contact. Movement-as-anchor is part of the intervention. A