Donna Frost

Chapter 4 102 Table 4 . 1 Methods used to capture experience, generate data and co-create meaning during this study Method Used by DF 1 Used within RN inquiry Used within NP inquiry Ind Pr Mtg Ind Pr Mtg A: Individual reflections wrt PA or the research process Research journal +/- creative expression D Spoken reflections* ∞ +/- creative expression‘ D Written reflections ∞ +/- creative expression D B: Practice observations Participant observation, nursing care delivery (and wrt DF, CCCI meetings) Non-participant observation, clinical and non-clinical encounters C: Creative expression D In response to an observed practice encounter (experienced as either practitioner or observer) In response to a non-observed practice encounter (experienced as practitioner) In response to presentations given by self and other inquiry members during CCCI meetings As part of meaning making, sense making, critical questioning and summing up As part of personal reflection (see ‘A’, above) As part of critical creative dialogue (see ‘D’, below) D: Dialogue Critical creative dialogue after practice \ observation £ Critical creative dialogue during CCCI meetings ¥ Semi-structured interviewwith person outside the inquiry group* +/- creative expression D Dialogue with person outside the inquiry group* +/- creative expression D