Donna Frost

DF Myself, Donna Frost 1 Method I used to generate data about my facilitation of professional artistry (PA) and my own developing PA as a facilitator. PA Professional artistry Ind : Data generated by a CCCI member, individually Pr : Data generated in (clinical) practice, collaboratively with another CCCI member or members Mtg : Data generated during CCCI meeting, collaboratively with other CCCI members D Photographed digitally * Audio-recorded and transcribed ∞ This method used intermittently, not systematically as with a reflective research journal/log β Entered into fieldnotes, sometimes detailed descriptions after the fact but in any case key words on post-its or note-pad which were later either transcribed, photographed or both. £ Recorded in a variety of ways, either as for * or β ¥ Audio-recorded and selectively transcribed; key-points recorded on whiteboard or flip chart during meeting and later photographed, transcribed or both The following section describes the structure of and activities within the upper and lower inquiry loops of the lemniscate cycle (Figure 4.4) in comprehensive detail. The explanation includes elaboration of research methods used to capture experience and generate data, for example the use of practice observations and creative expression. The process followed for co-creation of meaning is described in the section thereafter. The CCCI lemniscate: articulation, experience, creative response, dialogue The lemniscate structure (Figure 4.4) is represented in more detail in Figure 4.5 (a fold-out page). There it can be seen that each inquiry loop of the lemniscate involves the following steps: i ) articulating insights and/or an inquiry question, ii ) shared experience, iii ) creative response to that experience, iv ) reflective critical dialogue about both the experience and the creative responses, and a return to step i ): articulation of the knowledge, ideas and questions surfaced or co-created in this process. In describing steps i to iv of the lemniscate cycle, below, I pay attention Critical creative collaborative inquiry 103 4