Donna Frost

Chapter 4 116 I too prepared a presentation for each meeting, drawn from one of my experiences as facilitator. My choice was guided by the inquiry question we had determined for that cycle, in the same way as the inquiry question guided the choices made by the other inquiry members when preparing their presentations. 3. CCCI meeting: presentation round (step ii of the meeting loop) As explained earlier in this chapter, step ii of the meeting cycle (Figure 4 . 5 ) involves the shared experience of presenting or witnessing the presentations of other inquiry members. During this presentation round there were two roles for every CCCI member (a and b) and one extra role for the facilitator (c). a. As presenter the inquiry member shared their own presentation in five minutes or less, thereafter answering any clarifying questions. b. As part of the audience the inquiry member witnessed, listened to and observed their colleague who was presenting. Inquiry members in the audience asked clarifying questions, tried to avoid wandering off into discussion or dialogue and took their own notes, in whatever form, to record their own initial responses to the presentations. c. The facilitator held the space, guided the process and was alert to time- keeping. 4. CCCI meeting: quiet reflection moving into creative response (transition between step ii and step iii of the meeting loop, culminating in step iii) At completion of the presentation round the group moved into a period of silent contemplation in preparation for collaborative analysis and meaning making. Following Cardiff ( 2012 ), once the stories or other information were shared they became part of the collective experience, no longer only ‘belonging’ to the inquiry member who had introduced the information as part of their presentation. During the silence, therefore, each CCCI member considered and reflected on all that they had just witnessed, not only that which they had themselves shared. This period of contemplation marked a transition between step ii (Experience) and step iii (Creative Response) of the CCCI meeting loop (Figure 4 . 5 ). As each inquiry member felt ready they began making a creative expression in response to the presentation round, using the materials available, still in silence. Within the RN inquiry the creative expressions were made individually. In the NP inquiry this part of the process was sometimes a (partially) collaborative collage