Donna Frost

Design and methods 121 4 I also created large word pictures, visualizing the synthesis and grouping of key ideas, metaphors, words and data fragments around particular themes: see Figure 4 . 8 for an example. In this particular word picture data from across different inquiry cycles is brought together in support of the ontological nature of professional artistry. This phase of analysis can be characterized as dialogue with self and with the data; it corresponds to step iv of the CCCI lemniscate and steps five through seven of the collaborative meaning making process. Figure 4 . 8 Word picture bringing together data from different inquiry cycles The last phase of the individual analysis process was the distillation of the products of the analysis and synthesis into the key insights which answered the research questions. These insights were named, defined and supported with examples taken from data generated within both the inquiry groups. The products of this phase enabled presentation to and dialogue with other people about the findings of the research. This phase corresponds to step i of the CCCI lemniscate and step eight of the collaborative meaning making process. Although described here in a linear fashion, the process of data analysis and synthesis over the two inquiries, including this last phase, was iterative. Refining the specifics of the overall story told by the analysis and determining the most effective and accurate mode of presenting those specifics took time and review by people