Donna Frost

Chapter 4 122 both internal and external to the inquiry. Throughout this process I remained in contact with members of both inquiry groups and they participated in a number of member-checking procedures. I asked them questions about particular episodes, when the data felt incomplete, sending photos to jog their memory for example. I also invited past inquiry members to read and review my developing conclusions via email. Three extra meetings took place, in 2015 , 2017 and 2018 , with a number of RN and NP inquirers present, for the purpose of contestation and critique of the synthesis. As well, one RN and two NP inquirers participated in selection of examples from the data with which to illustrate and support the findings. Decisions points and questions were recorded in my research journal and discussed with peers and supervisors. Provisional findings were discussed with supervisors and presented at conferences (Frost, 2016 , 2018 ) and doctoral student meetings for the purposes of peer review. The final product of the entire data analysis and synthesis process is presented in chapters five, six and seven of this thesis. Concluding remarks In this chapter the CCCI design, including the CCCI lemniscate inquiry cycle, have been explained, illustrated and justified with reference to the literature. The research methods are summarised in Table 4 . 1 . Those methods aimed at capturing experience and generating data were described in conjunction with the lemniscate cycle. Attentionwas given separately to the collaborative and individual procedures for meaning making, knowledge creation and data analysis. In the following chapter the inquiry participants are introduced and the various cycles of inquiry as they occurred within the two CCCI groups are described. Specific examples of the CCCI process ‘in action’ will be given to illustrate the CCCI methodology, the procedures for maintaining rigor in the research process and the way in which our understanding of professional artistry developed during the life of the inquiry.