Donna Frost

126 This chapter introduces the people who participated in the critical creative collaborative inquiries and shows the CCCI process in action. The two inquiry groups and the individuals comprising them are introduced in the first and second sections of this chapter, followed in each case by an overview of the activities of each inquiry group and the focus of data collection in the various cycles of inquiry. In the third section of the chapter the focus shifts to my role and journey as facilitator of the CCCI. Throughout the chapter vignettes and short accounts of our activities are used to illustrate the inquiry processes. Particular attention is paid to the strategies aimed at maintaining rigour during the CCCI, such as dealing with the challenge of inquiring together in Dutch and reporting on the study in English, and coming to understand how to work in critical and creative ways. This chapter serves two functions. Firstly, it is the first of three chapters concerned with the outcomes of the study. The outcome presented here is the CCCI process in action. Although traditionally the ‘doing’ of research is reported on separately from the research outcomes, this inquiry concerned among other things the development of a research praxis whereby the ‘doing’, or ‘means’ of the research was interwoven with the ‘outcome’ or ‘ends’ of the research. In that respect this chapter presents outcomes. Similarly, ‘who’ we are as inquirers was interwoven with the ‘how’ of the inquiry process and the ‘what’ of the results. The second function of this chapter, therefore, is to show how different ways of knowing and being, and different sources of knowledge, were actively merged and melded together to create a rigorous research process. In that respect the chapter diverges from a traditional presentation of findings, because part of the justification of decisions involves reference to literature, as one of the sources of knowledge. The CCCI process commenced in July 2011 and ceased in December 2014 . In this time there were two different CCCI groups formed, the first working together for 17 months and the second for 26 months. Data generation and co-creation of meaning were aimed chiefly at capturing and coming to understand the professional artistry within the nursing practice of the inquiry group members. As initiating researcher I was a member of both groups. Data were generated and interpreted about my nursing practice, in the first inquiry group, and about my practice and developing professional artistry as a facilitator of both inquiry groups. In the second inquiry, the nurse practitioners (NPs) also became facilitators of their own and each other’s inquiry, and our data generation and interpretation was about that as well. My nursing practice was therefore part of the data in the registered nurse inquiry (RNI), and NP facilitation practice was part of the data in the NP inquiry (NPI). These