Donna Frost

Chapter 5 128 The type of data generation activity and other identifying information CRC Critical reflective conversation between two (or more) members of a CCCI group, in response to practice observation Con Conversation or interview (where either Donna or another CCCI member is the interviewer) Mtg Data generated during a CCCI meeting. Each meeting has a unique number. For example, NPI-Mtg 1 indicates the first CCCI meeting of the NP inquiry group. Rec Recording made during CCCI meeting. Sometimes ‘ 1 of 4 ’ or similar is noted: this means there were 4 audio files saved about this meeting, and in this example the quote is taken from the first of the four. Obs Observations made, for example in practice, recorded in stand-alone document Photo Photo made in the context and year indicated, each with unique number for that context / year. RJ Research journal, followed by volume number or photo number p / pp Page number/s within the transcript or research journal concerned Registered nurse inquiry group Four registered nurses (RNs) formed the first inquiry group. They worked in an organisation providing residential care for older people in a large city in the province of Zuid Holland and joined the inquiry following the process previously described. Although working in a context in which efficiency and technical skill were more highly valued than professional artistry the registered nurse inquiry (RNI) members had each been nominated by their managers and colleagues as being nurses with ‘the x-factor’: nurses who made a difference for their patients. Participation in this study was actively facilitated by their employer. Nevertheless, the RNI members had little control over their workday planning and participation in inquiry activities was often interrupted by unplanned activities at work, or unexpected roster changes, for example. Although happy to use their own names, pseudonyms are used here to protect the anonymity of the organisation, where two of the group members still work, and the other people within the organisation who contributed to the inquiry. The RNI members chose Jane, Rosemarie, Mara and Floortje as their pseudonyms. The organisation in which the nurses worked is referred to here as Greenwoods Care. As mentioned in Chapter 4 the organisation ran thirteen locations, each offering