Donna Frost

Chapter 5 132 Floortje Floortje was 49 years old when joining the RNI and had completed her in-service training as a diploma level registered nurse more than 25 years ago. She was respected and admiredwithin Greenwoods Care as a nurse and as a person. People turned to her not only for information but also for support and advice when dealing with difficult or stressful situations. She had worked in the organisation for eleven years but had only relatively recently made the shift to the community nursing team. I was very flattered to be nominated for this project but not too surprised really. People know me here [in Greenwoods], I am like a piece of the furniture. I like to help, to be of help to my colleagues. The new ones but also the others! People often ‘yank on my jacket’ to ask questions etc. […] Still, I must say, it has not been easy for me, making a new start in South Side. It’s a whole other kettle of fish! […] I think the biggest change is working to a plan that someone else makes. I can’t decide how and when I will organise my work, the appointments are already made and given to me in the morning and I have to follow that. And then of course, the people are all in their own homes and I am underway alone for most of the day. So those things are different too. […] And I was curious, about this project, about the x-factor. Do I have the x-factor? I don’t know. Maybe in my old job? Everything is different in the community. I suppose we will see! (Floortje-RNI-Mtg 2 -Rec 1 of 5 ) As we began the CCCI together, I too was curious about how the project would work out and at the same time very excited to have got started. I wrote the following in my research journal after the very first meeting, at which, besides myself, only Rosemarie and Mara were present: My feelings right now: surprise (that it went so well), relief (finally done it AND I could do it [facilitate the meeting], excitement and enthusiasm for the next stages. […] I agree with the participants that it is nice to be able to focus on the positive things in our practice. So maybe my feelings have something to do with the content of the meeting. But mostly,