Donna Frost

The critical creative collaborative inquiries in action 133 5 I think, to do with the process and the fact that the research itself is actually going to get somewhere and that I’m going to be able to facilitate it / manage it. (Donna-RJ 20110725 -Vol 3 p 6 ) We went on to work for 17 months together as an active CCCI group, from 25 July 2011 until 15 December 2012 . Our inquiry activities generated a data set that included 52 episodes of participant and non-participant observations of nursing practice, 63 taped conversations with individuals and 13 inquiry group meetings (see Table 5 . 2 ), as well as photos, creative expressions made individually and jointly by the RNI participants and myself and diverse journal entries, chiefly made by me but sometimes written by other RNI members and entered into the shared record . Table 5 . 2 Data generated via observation or in dialogue during the RNI Activity Number of episodes Hours Practice observations, largely non-participant, Donna as observer 42 28 Practice observation, largely non-participant, other RNI member as observer) 3 2 Working together, Donna working with another RNI member providing nursing care 7 12 . 5 Total participant/non-participant observation 52 42 . 5 Taped interviews / critical reflective conversations , with each other or with people outside the RNI, after practice observation. Sometimes fully transcribed, sometimes partly. 63 42 CCCI group meetings . A number of audio recordings made during each meeting but complete meetings not usually taped. Partially transcribed. 13 38 Total (critical creative) dialogue 78 80 Attention was given, from the very beginning of the RNI, to creating cycles of experience and reflection bothwithin practice and during themeetings as explained in the previous chapter (corresponding to the lower and upper loops of Figure 5 . 1 , respectively). Co-creation of meaning, explicating newunderstandings and forming new inquiry questions to shape the next phase of inquiry are also integral to the