Donna Frost

Chapter 5 134 CCCI process. These aspects of the CCCI process were more sporadic and less systematic during the RNI than described in Chapter 4 . Thismeant that the crossover point, shown in Figure 5 . 1 as the ‘intersection of CCCI meeting and practice loops’ was not always articulated or as intentional as the CCCI design intends. We covered some ground or illuminated particular aspects of our practice many times, for example, and didn’t always make progress in intentionally going a little further or taking a different angle in the next round of practice inquiry. This was partly due to the emergent nature of the CCCI design and also related to my learning curve as a facilitator of the inquiry. My journey as facilitator is returned to later in the chapter. Here, the inquiry activities within the RNI are summarised in six periods, presented in Table 5 . 3 , each with a particular focus. IN PRACTICE CYCLE OF EXPERIENCE & REFLECTION DURING CCCI MEETING CCCI MEETING CYCLE OF EXPERIENCE & REFLECTION DURING CLINICAL PRACTICE INTERSECTION OF CCCI MEETING AND PRACTICE INQUIRY LOOPS Figure 5 . 1 The CCCI lemniscate, reproduced from Chapter 4