Donna Frost

The critical creative collaborative inquiries in action 135 5 Table 5 . 3 The focus of capturing experience and data generation within the RNI, divided into six periods, RNI- 1 through RNI- 6 Period Focus Data generation activities RNI- 1 : July – Sep 2011 Mtg 1 : Jul 25 2011 Mtg 2 : Sep 10 2011 Clarifying our present understandings of what it means to have ‘the x-factor’ (professional artistry (PA)) in our work as nurses Identifying aspects of our work in which we felt it was possible that PA might be demonstrated Kick-off meetings x 2 Individual practice observations (Donna as observer) followed by critical reflective conversations (CRC) in which use generally made of some kind of creative e xpressions RNI- 2 : Oct – Dec 2011 Mtg 3 : Oct 12 2011 Mtg 4 : Nov 14 2011 Pooling data, sharing insights gained in past three months. What are ‘dreams’ for own practice / developing practice, relationship of these dreams to PA. Continuing with identifying moments of PA in own practice, or aspects in which it could be developed. Trying out ways of recording / documenting those mo - ments, reflecting on them, getting feedback from others CCCI meetings x 2 Practice observations and CRC Interviews with others (eg. line manager, students, colleagues, residents). RNI- 3 : Jan – Mar 2012 Mtg 5 : Feb 1 2012 Mtg 6 : Mar 20 2012 Similar to above. Otherwise coping with crisis of two managers being fired over the Dec / Jan period and participants having to unex - pectedly take on new roles / responsibilities. CCCI meeting x 2 Practice observations and CRC Interviews with others (student, family of client) RNI- 4 : April – Jun 2012 Mtg 7 : May 7 2012 Mtg 8 : Jun 15 2012 Refocus on aspects of (developing) PA in own work, and identifying those areas in which we would like to develop aspects of own PA. CCCI meeting x 2 Practice observations and CRC