Donna Frost

Chapter 5 136 Period Focus Data generation activities How? What would help? How can we help each other? Individual creative expression, or journal entry after practice experience, sharing and discussing this episode with Donna in CRC RNI members (not Donna) c onducting CRC with each other or with a student. RNI- 5 : July – Sep 2012 Mtg 9 : Aug 4 2012 Mtg 10 : Sep 20 2012 What are we proud of, what aspects of our work would we like others to emulate? Trying out role modelling, active learning, feedback on the job as ways to develop PA. Sharing insights about PA, what has changed CCCI meeting x 2 Working together (Donna with other participant) followed by CRC RNI members (not Donna) working together & giving feedback followed by CRC RNI- 6 : Oct – Dec 2012 Mtg 11 : Oct 19 2012 Mtg 12 : Nov 20 2012 Mtg 13 : Dec 20 2012 Capturing examples of PA in our practice, ‘unpicking’ these. Evaluation of last year, insights gained, group conclusions about PA in general and own PA CCCI meeting x 3 Practice observation followed by CRC As Table 5 . 3 shows, within the RNI professional artistry was principally investigated by identifying those aspects of our practice where we thought professional artistry might be present and looking more closely at those (RNI period 1 (RNI- 1 ), RNI- 2 and RNI- 6 , in rows 2 , 3 and 7 respectively). A variation on this approach was to consider those aspects of our practice that we wouldn’t mind someone else emulating (RNI- 5 , sixth row). The fourth inquiry period (row 5 ) was slightly different in that we considered in what ways we could develop this kind of practice further. As can be seen from RNI- 1 (July – September, 2011 , second row in Table 5 . 3 ), the use of similes and metaphors, for example, the ‘x-factor’, played a role in the inquiry into professional artistry from the beginning of this study. This facet of the inquiry is looked at more closely below.