Donna Frost

Chapter 5 138 In this way symbolic language was part of the inquiry from the very first. Symbolic language and symbolic thinking were also integrated into the CCCI lemniscate and the steps of collaborative meaning making, as explained in Chapter 4 . This was evident, for example, when using objects to hand or those brought specially for the purpose to symbolise an idea, particular association cards to tell the story of a practice experience or poem to capture the essence of our new insights. The first introduction to this way of working, for the nurses in the RNI, was during the kick-off meeting. I invited those present to choose an object in the room, either something they had brought themselves or one of the objects I had brought along, and use it to represent or illustrate their ideas about professional artistry at that moment. Here is part of this conversation. Mara: I’ve chosen this little bag, it is my work bag, I carry it everywhere and always have it with me at work. It has everything I need in it. Fits a lot in, see, more than you would expect. It has everything I need and so I am always prepared. With it I am always prepared. So in that way it is kind of a special bag. Rosemarie (smiling): And it looks so ordinary! Mara: Yes! (Laughs a little). It is and it isn’t. People are often surprised indeed when they see what’s in it. It really does have everything I need [to do my job]. Donna: Can you tell us more about the relationship between this bag and the x-factor? Mara: It is like I carry everything I need with me. Practically I have everything in my bag, but with respect to the x-factor, I also have a ‘tool-kit’ in me, that I carry with me. I can do the right thing, I am always prepared, for every eventuality. And then I ‘pull out’ what I need. So I amwell prepared, ready for anything I suppose. Donna: And you mentioned people being surprised at all the things you carried, in the bag (gesturing at the carry bag)? Mara: Yes, people are sometimes surprised at what I come out with, what I have in me. Maybe the answers, maybewhat I do. Because I amwell prepared I often knowwhat to do when others don’t and so they are surprised. (RNI-Mtg 1 -Rec 1 of 5 pp 7 - 8 )