Donna Frost

Chapter 5 144 After a period of recruitment and meeting each other in an informal setting, the NPI was formed in October 2012 . Initial ideas of professional artistry were shared with each other during the first meeting and these are presented in the next section. I took a leave of absence from my PhD studies not long after the group was formed due to personal circumstances. During this time the group functioned as an action learning set (McGill & Beaty, 2001 ) in which I participated as facilitator. Our collaborative inquiry into professional artistry began properly in June 2013 and the NPI group worked together until 15 December 2014 . The data set is summarised in Table 5 . 5 and includes 73 episodes ( 30 . 5 hours) of non-participant practice observation, 95 ( 40 hours) of taped conversations or interviews with individuals, both members of the inquiry group and people outside the NPI, and 16 group meetings ( 50 hours). As well, there were many photos, poems and visual creative expressions made individually and jointly by NPI members, and sometimes people outside the inquiry, and reflective writing from both NPs and myself. Table 5 . 5 Data generated via observation or in dialogue during the NPI Activity Number of episodes Hours Practice observations , non-participant, Donna as observer 31 13 , 5 Practice observations , non-participant, co-inquirer as observer 42 17 Total practice observation 73 30 . 5 Action Learning Sets . None of this time was taped 4 8 CCCI group meetings . A number of audio recordings made during each meeting but complete meetings not usually taped. Partially transcribed 12 42 Total group meetings 16 50 Taped critical reflective conversations / interview (Donna present), with each other or with people outside the NPI, after practice observation. Sometimes fully transcribed, sometimes partly. 45 19 Taped critical reflective conversations / interview (Donna not present), with each other or with people outside the NPI, after practice observation. Sometimes fully transcribed, sometimes partly. 50 21 Total interview / critical conversation 95 40