Donna Frost

Chapter 5 146 Figure 5 . 4 Examples of the words and phrases used by each NPI member when speaking about their creative expression in relation to professional artistry (NPI-Mtg 1 -Rec 2 of 4 ). The richness and variety of the understandings expressed, as well as the areas of congruence which seemed to spring out at us, seem unexceptional to me now. I expect working with creativity to stimulate imaginative language, uncover different aspects of an idea or experience while at the same time revealing common ground, and facilitate getting to the essence relatively quickly. The meeting evaluation however reveals how surprised most of the group members were to experience the usefulness of this way of working. We have used words such as magic, flame, incense, swirling. And you can see them there, many more besides. I did not expect, when I came to this meeting today, to be using this kind of language. […] It already feels different, to be talking about our work in this way. (Pieter-NPI-Mtg 1 -Rec 4 of 4 ) Yes, I agree with that. It makes me feel different about mywork already. And I did not expect that either. […] The feedback from my patients was very nice, of course. And we discussed it here and I agree, this is different. In the feedback patients say, she knows what she is doing, I can approach her with anything, she is good at her job, friendly, kind. And so on. That is nice but more or less predictable. But now I am surprised. (Margaret-NPI-Mtg 1 -Rec 4 of 4 )