Donna Frost

The critical creative collaborative inquiries in action 147 5 I didn’t know what to expect actually. It has been a nice surprise. If I tell my family I have been doing this kind of thing they will laugh – cutting and pasting – it is for children. And here it was serious, in the end. (Lilian-NPI-Mtg 1 -Rec 4 of 4 )) This was the beginning made together in the NPI group. The use of creativity within a facilitated and supportive environment was well received and experienced as useful for not only explicating understandings, in this case about professional artistry, but stimulating newways of looking at professional practice in general. The NPI inquiry continued until December 2014 . Table 5 . 6 summarises the seven periods of inquiry, or inquiry cycles, that took place within the NPI. As the table shows, the CCCI lemniscate process of capturing experience, reflection and co-creation of new meaning worked effectively within the NPI, with the inquiry periods NPI- 3 through NPI- 7 each having a different inquiry focus. Collaborative decision making about the focus of the next cycle, suitable data collection methods and ways of working together built upon the collective meaning making and new insights generated in each meeting. Table 5 . 6 Seven periods of inquiry within the NPI, each with a different focus Period Focus Data generation activities Setting up the inquiry Jul – Sep 2012 ‘Getting to know each other’ meeting: Aug 30 2012 Skype & telephone contact with potential participants after initial recruitment speech at regional meeting of NPs. Those interested agreed to collecting some kind of data from patients or colleagues demonstrating current level of expertise. Self-evaluation and/or feedback from colleagues using Canmeds roles (Dylan & Wendy) Uglow instrument (Lilian) Written references or feedback from colleagues & patients, without use of framework (Pieter & Aafje) Patient evaluation using 4 questions (Margaret) Tips & tops from colleagues (Anna)