Donna Frost

Chapter 5 148 Period Focus Data generation activities NPI- 1 : Oct – Dec 2012 Mtg 1 : Oct 8 2012 Group forming Ways of working Getting to know each other First ideas around professional artistry (PA), use of own data to back this up / question it Inquiry focus for NPI- 1 : ‘ standing by (the other) / being there ’ CCCI x 1 meeting Reflective journal / reflec - tion-on-practice and (past) practice episodes NPI- 2 : Jan – May 2013 Group functioning as Action Learning Set (ALS) “Marking time”, functioning as ALS group, while Donna on leave of absence from the university. Focus of ALS situations drawn from own practice or reflections on practice aimed at identification/ recognition and development of own expertise as evidence based and/or person centred practitioners ALS process recordings ( 4 in total) Record of learning / evaluation of 4 ALS meet - ings Reflective journal (RJ) (Donna) NB: After discussion with NPI members, only Donna’s RJ was entered into the collective record. NPI- 3 : June – Oct 2013 Begin of co-operative inquiry proper Mtg 2 : Jul 26 2013 Mtg 3 : Aug 29 2013 Mtg 4 : Oct 7 2013 Revisited idea of PA, expertise in practice, explored ways of helping each other to develop this. Inquiry focus during NPI- 3 : ‘being alongside ’ and also ‘helping to move forward ’ During second CCCI meeting discussed / critiqued data collection methods CCCI x 3 including collective analysis and critique Practice observations, Donna as observer, followed by CRC First try NPI members observing each other Interviews / conversations with people outside the inquiry group (Donna)