Donna Frost

The critical creative collaborative inquiries in action 149 5 Period Focus Data generation activities NPI- 4 : Nov 2013 – Feb 2014 . Mtg 5 : Nov 19 2013 Mtg 6 : Jan 28 2014 Inquiry focus during NPI- 4 : ‘ movement in Experimenting with both observed practice episodes and recording significant moments in practice when nobody was there to observe. CCCI x 2 including collective analysis and critique Practice observations, either Donna or NP co-inquirer as observer, and Donna or NP co-inquirer as facilitator of CRC. Conversations with people outside the inquiry group (Donna and NP co-inquirers) NPI- 5 : Mar – May 2014 Mtg 7 : Mar 5 2014 Mtg 8 : May 16 2014 Inquiry focus during NPI- 5 : ‘ when things go wrong’ / ‘that could have gone either way’ Data collection relied heavily on the NP noticing, in the moment, that the moment or episode was relevant, and generating data about it after the fact. CCCI x 2 including collective analysis and critique Individual reflections and conversations with people outside the inquiry group Practice observations, either Donna o NP co-inquirer as observer, and Donna or NP co-inquirer as facilitator of CRC. NPI- 6 : May – Aug 2014 Mtg 9 : Jul 2 2014 Mtg 10 : Aug 15 2014 Inquiry focus during NPI- 6 : ‘it’s not (just) what we do, it is who/howwe are’ Data collection of new data as above Revisiting already collected data CCCI x 2 As above