Donna Frost

Chapter 5 162 “Becoming the landscape” While the illustrations above focus on a specific moment in my facilitation journey, the following account spans the narrative as a whole. When beginning this research I was full of curiosity, energy, eagerness to learn and questions about where to begin. My knowledge of participative methods was partly experiential but much of my preparation for this research was done intellectually. Figure 5 . 7 is a digital drawing representing me as I set out and in the first year or so of the CCCI, working within the RNI. Figure 5 . 7 Energy potential, bounded, perhaps overwhelming Looking at this picture I see swirling and spiralling energy and energy potential, but much of it bound and bounding, spiralling inward. The figure appears to be hugging itself. The head of the figure is the source of much of the energy, the purple and yellow for example. The figure stands, reasonably steady, yet the rich blue base of the picture is both wavy and ‘grabby’ and the legs of the figure look almost wrapped in blue. Although the picture is colourful it does not represent the whole spectrum.