Donna Frost

The critical creative collaborative inquiries in action 165 5 contrary. In my case this recurring mis-match lead to various periods of struggle, often crises of confidence and indeed inertia, represented in Figure 5 . 9 . Figure 5 . 9 Overthinking, flow interrupted, getting tripped up Figure 5 . 9 shows me feeling caught up, tangled and stymied in circumstances, my energy flow limited and dissapating instead of regenerative. The head of the figure is oversized and when I look at this drawing I see the reddish intellectual or cognitive ways of knowing pushing out or suppressing other ways of knowing. The ‘arms’ of the figure are short and stunted, unable to exert influence or make connections in the environment, the colour palette limited. When struggling like this during the research or writing process I would tend to exacerbate the problem by turning to intellectual or cognitive strategies such as endlessly editingwork I had already written or searching for and reading more literature, trying to comprehend the ideas of other people and bring them into relationship with my own work and with the particular struggle I was facing.