Donna Frost

Chapter 5 168 Table 5 . 7 Titchen and McCormack’s ( 2010 , pp 539 - 542 ) eight metaphorical principles for creating the conditions for human flourishing and their translation as principles for action within the CCCI Metaphorical principles Summary of Titchen & McCormack’s ( 2010 , pp 539 - 542 ) explanation (emphasis in original in table on p. 540 ) Examples of how each principle was enacted within the CCCI Spiralling through turbulence Growing and making progress through turbulence or crisis, rather than being buffeted and blocked. Spiralling through turbulence is enabled by ‘ authentic facilitation that is consistent with shared values and beliefs of participants’ Exploring, developing shared values & beliefs about the value of & howwe would like to respond to challenges. Learning to support & facilitate each other, e.g. through the discomfort of learning Agreeing on a specific inquiry question at the end of each CCCI meeting to focus our inquiry in the time between meetings & make the process manageable Circles of connection Being aware of and working with connections between the ecological, symbolic and physical – metaphysical. For example, working within the natural landscape and explicating connections between the natural environment (weather, seasons) and one’s work. Explicating this for others. Co-construction of a shared reality Paying attention to connections across time & space, across ways of knowing, across experiences, across fields of practice (e.g. different clinical specialties but also between clinical & facilitation practice). Making (supposed, suspected, sensed) connections explicit & sharing them with / making them visible to each other via artistic approaches &, for e.g. metaphorical language Using natural materials (or environments) to help create ‘Stillness in the landscape’ & being able to mentally refer back to such symbols when they were not physically available Creating poetry together to capture the layers of meaning, the literal & the liminal